ACAE is an independent not-for-profit certification body, founded in 1991 active in the fields of electrical low-voltage and high-voltage industrial equipment.
ACAE is constituted as association and counts among its members: certification bodies, users and manufacturers of electrical systems, research institutes and independent testing laboratories.
ACAE is financed by annual membership fees, with any admission contribution, as well as by the revenue related to the certifications issued
ACAE is a founder member of LOVAG (Low Voltage Agreement Group), whose scope is the issue and mutual recognition of harmonized certificates on low voltage industrial products.
ACAE is structured in compliance with the Standard EN ISO/IEC 17065 (Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services).
Tests are carried out by laboratories, who operate in compliance with the Standard EN ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories).
Acae has become part of the CB scheme of the IECEE, the IEC system for conformity assessment scheme for electrical equipment and components.